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National Team Officials Committee

Committee Membership

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The Team Officials Committee is pivotal in the sustainable advancement and fortification of roller hockey in England, with a core focus on the enhancement of grassroots coaching.Through targeted initiatives, the Committee is committed to refining the skills of entry-level coaches, ensuring every newcomer experiences quality training.

By consolidating this foundational layer of coaching, the Committee envisions an increase in player recruitment and retention. This grassroots emphasis is expected to radiate upwards, enhancing regional competitiveness and, subsequently, shaping the trajectory of national and international performances.

Primary Responsibilities

Grassroots Coaching Development: Initiate and oversee programs that train and refine the skills of coaches at the grassroots level, ensuring a standardised high-quality training regimen for newcomers.

Enhanced Player Experience: Implement policies and best practices to ensure players at all skill levels benefit from comprehensive training sessions that are both educational and enjoyable.

Regional League Competitiveness: Collaborate with regional representatives to understand unique challenges and devise strategies to bolster competitiveness within regional leagues.

Performance Monitoring and Feedback: Establish systems for regular evaluations of training methodologies and coach performances, ensuring feedback loops for continual improvement.

Continuous Learning Programs: Develop, promote, and orchestrate learning modules and workshops for coaches to stay abreast of modern training techniques, player management, and game strategies.

Promotion and Outreach: Coordinate efforts to promote roller hockey in schools, colleges, and local communities, highlighting its health and social benefits, with National Marketing Committee.

England Teams Sub-Committee: Manage the organisation and progression of England's roller hockey teams on the international front, ensuring representation, strategy, and performance are at their peak.

Resource Management: Ensure that coaches and teams at all levels have access to necessary resources, be it training equipment, venues, or instructional materials.

Conflict Resolution: Address any conflicts or disputes that may arise, ensuring fair representation and resolution for all parties involved.

Stakeholder Engagement: Engage regularly with key stakeholders, including players, parents, sponsors, and local authorities, to garner feedback and support for various initiatives.

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